Pre-conference workshops > BIOPTIM workshopWorkshop on optimal control of musculoskeletal systems: an introduction to Bioptim [1]
Context :
Many approaches exist to discretize and solve optimal control problems. However, biomechanics dedicated tools are rare. Four interrelated components are implemented in Bioptim to make it an efficient optimal control software for biomechanics: 1) several discretization methods (direct multiple shooting and collocation) using explicit and implicit integrators, 2) the biorbd [2] backend, an efficient musculoskeletal modeling software that includes multibody kinematics and dynamics and muscle dynamics, which is fully compatible with, 3) CasADi, an algorithmic differentiation software that allows for an efficient and exact derivative estimation to solve the program in a reasonable time, and 4) the robust (Ipopt) and fast (ACADOS) nonlinear programming solvers. Bioptim includes more than 40 examples to get started with. They explore a wide variety of features (cost function, bounds, constraints, dynamics, parameters, multiphase optimizations, etc.) as well as options for discretizing and solving the OCP. Written in Python, with dozens of cost and constraint functions (marker-tracking, EMG-tracking, states and controls minimization, etc.) and various dynamics functions (torque-driven to muscle-driven, with or without contact forces), users can easily implement custom functions to cover all their needs.
Content of the workshop :
I will start by briefly introducing the underlying functional bricks of Bioptim (nonlinear optimization, numerical optimal control, multibody dynamics, etc.). Then we will dive together into practical examples, written in Python, to cover the basics features of Bioptim. The workshop will end with an open discussion on how to use Bioptim to help you solve your research challenges. You will need to bring your personal laptop, no prior installation is required.
See you at the 47th congress of the Société de Biomécanique !
[1] Michaud, B., Bailly, F., Charbonneau, E., Ceglia, A., Sanchez, L., & Begon, M. (2022). Bioptim, a python framework for musculoskeletal optimal control in biomechanics. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.
[2] Michaud, B., & Begon, M. (2021). biorbd: A C++, Python and MATLAB library to analyze and simulate the human body biomechanics. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(57), 2562. |
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