Scientific Program > Sessions


The program of this congress will include two special sessions presented below as well as all the themes already carried by the Société de Biomécanique.

Specific sessions:

  • Special session GDR BIOMIM 2088: Displacement-movement biomimicry, bio-robotics

    The theme of the session is centered on the study of displacement and movement, observable of organized behavior from perception and reflecting action or even intention. The research here is concerned with understanding these mechanisms that make it possible to migrate, flee and conceal or pursue and catch, and finally to move alone or in groups of perfectly coordinated individuals. These skills have provided those who learned them with a survival capacity, and the effectiveness of biological models can be demonstrated at different scales, in different contexts and environments. They inspire models and prototypes of sensors, actuators, poly-articulated systems and "hard or soft" robots, which, in addition to supplementing man in his tasks, make it possible to advance the understanding of living things by testing hypotheses from biology, neuroscience, physics and mechanics.


Keywords: Biomechanics, Bioinspiration, Biomimicry, Biorobotics, Cobotics, Locomotion, Vertebrates, Invertebrates, Groupe, Schools, Swarm, Shoals, Crawling, Walking, Trotting, Running, Jumping, Swimming, Flying, Gliding, Carrying, Coordination, Synergy

Special session: Biomechanics of occupational MSDs

The theme of the session is centered on the biomechanical study of movements during work. The study of biomechanical risk factors will focus on posture outside the comfort zone, strength, type of muscle contraction, joint position, grip, characteristics of the object lifted, repetition and duration of the activity objectified during the ergonomic studies of the workstations. These are all factors which, mixed with the different contexts and environments, generate real disabling occupational diseases. The ergonomist's vision will facilitate the biomechanical approach for the ergonomic design of workstations, work tools and gestures at work.

Keywords: Musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomics, biomechanics, job study, occupational disease.


The main topics of the Société de Biomécanique will be represented at the congress:

  • Tissue engineering and matterial by design

  • Cardiovascular and respiratory biomechanics

  • Cellular and tissue biomechanics

  • Injury biomechanics and traumatology

  • Motion simulation and analysis

  • Musculoskeletal biomechanics

  • Sport biomechanics

  • Handicap and rehabilitation biomechanics

  • Biomechanics of human-system intercation, ergonomics and robotics

  • Emerging topics in biomechanics

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